ANRS MIE - France-Japan symposium on HIV/AIDS and EID - Abstract submission

Abstract submission form for the ANRS MIE - France-Japan symposium HIV/AIDS & EID, held at the Institut Pasteur Paris on the 28th - 30th October 2024.

We are inviting young investigators (PhD, post-doc) who are developing or interested in developing collaborative research projects between French and Japanese teams to participate and present (orally) their work or project during the meeting.

Title of the person presenting

Choose one of the following answers


First and last name of the person presenting


Current position of the person presenting 
(Ex. PhD, Postdoc, Medical doctor, PI, etc)


Email of the person presenting


Address of the person presenting


Research field & interest


Scientific presentation title (in English)


List of authors (Indicate names and last names in full, and separate authors by a comma)


Authors' affiliations


Abstract in English (approximately 200-250 words max.)


Motivation (Please detail your interest in developing collaborations with Japanese or French teams)